Welcome to my blog

2011 is a year which gets better and better (with a few blips along the way). Belledesejour finished her study leave in Europe and came back to Australia just after Cyclone Yasi hit Far North Queensland. Thanks to good friends, the house was still intact and just as lovely as I remembered.

Belledevoyages has a a number of trips organised so this is the blog of her travels. Some trips are to old haunts and some are to new ones.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Before we got away

First I just need to say that my dad has a theory....that everyone should have a week off before they go on holiday, so that they are not so tired they don't enjoy their holiday. A wise man indeed. Last weekend was very sociable...Friday night we went to a 'farewell' at the Salt House http://www.salthouse.com.au/. I must say the one and only time I have eaten there before was AWFUL...but this time it was great.

I have decided that I am much, much too old to stay up until 3am.How many 50 year olds do you know who roll home as the sun is coming up?  Norman and I had a nice diversion via Bella Vista at the Pier to visit Josh. He look truly astounded to see his dad wander in at 1am...I also need no more reminding of how awful Vertigo's is on a Friday night. I fancied ending the evening with karaoke but mercifully (for some) the karaoke bar was closed.

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